"Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for _____" is a sarcastic bumper sticker people use to express their feelings of contempt toward the current government, while washing their hands of responsibility for the actions of the current administration. I’m sorry, but I still blame you.
Whether it is Republicans or Democrats in office it is a case of, “Meet your new boss, same as your old boss.” But there is a third option out there, other than moving to Canada. There are several so-called “third parties” to choose from.
I have been a registered Libertarian for years. The Libertarian platform combines the traditional aspects of both the Democratic and Republican parties; social liberalism, from the Democrats, and fiscal conservatism, from the Conservatives. Do you like the Democrats but hate their desire to raise taxes to pay for all sorts of social programs? Do you tend to agree with the Republicans, but think they should lay off legislating morality? Then you may be a Libertarian.
There is also the Green Party, Reform Party, a variety of smaller state parties and independent candidates. However, since 1853 history has recorded nothing but Democrats and Republicans in the presidency. Congress also has a 99 percent Republican and Democrat make-up.
When it comes to government spending, our elected representatives have shown there is really only one party. The U.S. budget has grown under Republicans and Democrats alike. Not even the Republicans try and cut the size of the government anymore. Both parties now fight over who gets control of the checkbook. The party in power is able to legislate on behalf of their corporate sponsors, and in-turn receive more campaign contributions.
A recent Gallup poll rated public satisfaction with Congress at 23 percent, a 12 year low, which I would suspect is ranks above hernias but below airline food. With so much dissatisfaction of the political status quo, why do voters keep putting these major parties back into office?
Many disaffected citizens have a mistaken belief that their vote doesn’t matter or things can’t change. That attitude is a victory for the major parties who are most interested in retaining control. Why worry about the best interest of disenfranchised non-voters? Instead they focus on pleasing their corporate overlords. Only a small portion of eligible voters register, only a third of those registered vote and only a tiny fraction of those who vote have the tenacity to choose a third party. If this continues, I'm sure we can look forward to Jenna Bush running against Chelsea Clinton in the 2024 election while Halliburton will still be getting no-bid contracts for serving food to our forces in the liberation of Venezuela’s oil fields.
Things can change. Our leaders don’t hold power through force, but shrewd marketing. It is time for a change. It is time for a revolution. Our forefathers knew authority should hold only a tenuous grasp on power. Thomas Jefferson once said, “Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have.... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases. ”
For those reasons, the United States was designed to have a peaceful revolution every election. Perhaps the framers of the constitution could not have foreseen the rise of mega-parties and voter apathy, but the power does still ultimately lie with the people.
The revolution needed in this country is so close, and the power is in your hands. First, register to vote, and tell your friends to do the same. Not only your like-minded friends, but also that dumb guy who wants to do a write in vote for Hue Jass. Secondly, actually go out and vote. By law your employer has to let you leave work to vote, so treat it like a free lunch break. But when you vote, ignore the “Us vs. Them” marketing of both parties. Don’t satisfy yourself with voting for the lesser of two evils or automatically vote for the person with a "D" or "R" next to their name. Move your finger down One Inch below the Republican and Democrat status quo to a third party, any third party.
If the 77 percent of people who are dissatisfied with our representation did that, we would wake up the next morning in a new America. The America representing the principles of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Monroe, Madison and Adams. Wake up America, and then wake up the politicians!
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