Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's the System, Stupid

I came upon this article being done by ABC which reveals the fat cat donors who helped fund the DNC convention in Denver.

It is funny to be because many people stereotype Republicans as being in the pocket of it's corporate overlords. But, as the article reveals, the Democrats have the money coming in now in advance of their expected takeover of Congress.

I'm not the first to say that, "Elections are just a futures market for stolen goods."

It is also interesting to see the videos of legions of police clad in black armour, toting billy clubs. It seems the police state isn't just protection Republicans either. Do you think the libertarian party convention will get it's own riot cops and swat teams?

What do you do in a two-party system, when both parties are power-hungry and corrupt?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess you just pick out the people who are running for office, who seem to you to reflect your own views best. If there isn't one, you either have to just vote for the lesser of two evils, or not vote at all. I've been voting for more than thirty years, and never have I felt less like it mattered.